Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Find Suppliers for Products

The Internet’s made it easy to find companies through many communication channels or good ol’ Google. We talked about networking through social media and attending trade shows before. This week we will be talking about different ways to get products into your store using the previous topics and other platforms. Trade shows used to be […]

How to Benefit from Attending Trade Shows

All this online talk is great and all, but one traditional way that never gets old is attending events to meet new people. There are many retail exhibitions and trade shows available for you to broaden your professional network. From educational talks to showcasing products you will benefit from attending exhibitions, conferences, and trade shows […]

How to Use Social Media To Get People To Your Store

In this series, I will be talking about how to get people to your retail store using social media and the power of digital marketing. Did you know that the fastest growing demographic is actually users between the ages of 45-54? Social networking is not just teenagers anymore folks! Even small businesses are capitalizing on […]